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Who Will be the First Kiwi into Auckland ?

mercredi 2 janvier 2002Information Volvo Ocean Race

To every New Zealander on the Volvo Ocean Race fleet, to be the first Kiwi into Auckland rates extremely high in their list of achievements for this leg. Grant Dalton from Amer Sports One when asked how important for him personally to lead into Auckland, said in Hobart, "As important as any other Kiwi in this race, won the last two and I would like to win this one." Richard Mason from ASSA ABLOY having just achieved line honours for the Sydney to Hobart race said, "Let’s see if we can win into Auckland as well, I would be the happiest man in the World !"

With a total of 28 New Zealanders on this leg in the fleet, not all of them can win ; but so far things are looking hopeful for the crew of ASSA ABLOY with Richard Mason and Stu Wilson aboard. On Amer Sports One, Grant Dalton and Phil Airey are both locals on the way into Auckland. Illbruck has a point to prove with six kiwis in the crew, which no doubt will spur them on in their current battle with News Corp and Tyco.

Sharon Ferris who will be celebrating her birthday at home in New Zealand on the 17th January, is one of the three kiwis on Amer Sports Too, along with Bridget Suckling the bowman, and Keryn Henderson. It was Keryn, who took the swim in Hobart to check the underwater damage in the pit stop, when the team discovered that the rudder needed urgent repairs before continuing to Auckland.

Claudio Celon, one of the trimmers on Amer Sports One, was bowman on Prada during the last Americas Cup in Auckland. Kiwi, the New Zealand defender, beat the Italians in the final, to win the America’s Cup America's Cup #AmericasCup . Maybe history could repeat itself as Amer Sports One is once again for Claudio, currently second.

The Last 24 Hours : "Wet and Uncomfortable"

For the last 24 hours, the boats are discussing the soaking wet conditions below decks. As the sun has come out, the hatches have opened and slowly the boats are drying out. Jez Fanstone, skipper of News Corp was claiming 12 smelly dogs were on the boat, "This has been accompanied by a continual soaking so that the boat below smells like it is inhabited by 12 wet labradors." He also reported that sail changes were starting to drain the crew’s energy, "This leg seems to have been the hardest physically so far. I don’t know if it is because of the stopover in Hobart and the fact that we haven"t recovered from the trip down there properly but moving the ton of wet sails around the boat is a daunting task at the moment. We have had a lot of gear changes in the last few days requiring us to change sails and move all the gear around in the boat, which has been draining, on the bodies‚ reserves."

Mark Christensen from illbruck wrote that the close battle with News Corp and Tyco had required an amount of tough sail changing, "At daybreak this morning we could see News Corp about four miles behind and Tyco is just out of sight. It has been tough, hard sailing with a lot of changes in the wind strength and direction. Three days ago the roles were reversed and I know it sounds strange but it is almost easier in the conditions we have had to be behind. Two days ago for example we were tacking up wind in light but puffy wind. As each wind-shift or puff came down the course, we would watch the boats ahead with binoculars, see what they did (either tack or change sails) and be ready in advance. Each time this happened we would gain a few tenths of a mile."

While on Tyco, Kevin Shoebridge was glad that the last 24 hours wet, uncomfortable conditions were over for now and that the boat was drying out, "Nice sailing this afternoon after 24 hours of wet and uncomfortable blast reaching. 240 miles to Cape Reinga so we should be rounding some time tomorrow afternoon if the breeze holds. Almost summer onboard, the hatch is open for the first time in a few days so hopefully we will dry out and the smell will go."

Will Dr Nylof Please Report to Bunk 3 Now Bunk 5

Dr Nylof‚ on ASSA ABLOY has been tending the sick and wounded, "Klas "Klabbe" Nylof, our senior onboard physician, has been a busy boy. Since departing Hobart, there have been daily calls for him to treat three onboard patients. First, Magnus took a bad fall coming into Hobart and injured his back and ribs. He has been confined to duties below deck, which has been a huge help for us always having food and hot drinks, as well as helping me in the Nav station,‰ reported Mark Rudiger. Then Jason Carrington became ill with a suspected internal infection, and Guillermo (Altadill) also had lower stomach pain. Mark Rudiger continued, "If I had to pick an outstanding sailor for this leg it would be Dr. Nylof."

On Amer Sports One, Dee Smith, reflected from a tactical point of view, "All is well on the fat bottom girl, just reaching through life. Still chasing ASSA ABLOY and catching a little and the boats behind are catching us. All because the wind is lightening as we approach New Zealand. We hope the wind will fill when we arrive at the corner and ASSA ABLOY will be waiting for us. If not, we will gladly sail around by ourselves. This should be the last passing spot, but there can always be others."

"The race behind is fun to watch. illbruck just gunned down Tyco and News Corp in a power reach. But the other two are close enough when the wind gets light to make a pass. We might have found a kink in illbruck’s armour. Four boats passed them in Storm Bay in light air."

"We are looking forward to the next stop over in Auckland. I’m sure many of the boats will have a lot of work to do after bashing to Hobart. Even these very strong boats can break when you drive them so hard."

As the boats sail on to Auckland, the wind is dropping, the boats are drying out, and ASSA ABLOY now only has 334 miles to sail to the finish line.

Volvo Ocean Race Position Report, Day 8, 0948 GMT

PS Yacht Latitude Longitude DTF CMG SMG TFHR DTL DTL-C ETA PO
- 1 AART 34 52.76S 171 14.76E 00278 063 09.8 275 0 +0 03 JAN 02 07 :— 15
- 2 AONE 35 21.24S 170 42.48E 00314 060 11.5 295 36 -11 03 JAN 02 10 :— 18
- 3 ILBK 36 00.36S 169 56.16E 00367 053 11.6 311 89 -10 03 JAN 02 15 :— 22
- 4 NEWS 36 06.12S 169 55.20E 00371 053 11.6 308 93 -11 03 JAN 02 15 :— 17
- 5 TYCO 36 11.52S 169 54.72E 00374 054 11.7 310 96 -12 03 JAN 02 16 :— 10
- 6 DJCE 36 39.48S 169 06.80E 00422 052 11.2 293 144 -8 03 JAN 02 20 :— 10
- 7 ATOO 37 54.20S 160 13.92E 00839 074 14.9 224 561 -31 06 JAN 02 5
- 8 TSEB 35 03.72S 168 11.60E Retired - - - - - - 11

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