Sea, Sail & Surf news

Du grand large à la plage : L’actualité des sports de glisse depuis 2000

image 300 x 158Start of the 2001 edition. Photo : Ch.Guigueno

Mini 2002 programm

Second edition of the Select 650 in may

mercredi 28 novembre 2001Christophe Guigueno

The CNBPP will organize from May 1st to 5th the second edition of the Select 650. This race did take the place of the 300 miles of Concarneau this year. The minis and their single handing skippers will leave again La Baule for a 300 miles long course away form the coast of South Brittany.

This year, 48 minis did enter in the competition. Ronan Guérin at the helm of his one week old Magnen/Nivelt L’Artisanat did won the race. He did covered the course in 36 hours sailing at an average speed of 8.5 knots ! In the serie division, first skipper was Frédéric Duval. Simon Curwen, was first non french entry and finished second, as he did in the Transat The Transat #thetransat #ostar 650...

Arriving order in 2001

Protos :
- 1- 348 Ronan Guérin L’Artisanat
- 2- 240 Simon Curwen QDS
- 3- 151 Yves Le Blevec Actual Interim
- 4- 347 Corentin Douguet Pour que l’Océan reste Bleu
- 5- 304 Yannick Bestaven Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque 2

- 1- 250 Frédéric Duval Pop’In La Maîtrise Du Feu
- 2- 340 Michel Mirabel Discount Marine Marine Marine nationale
- 3- 239 Christian Cals Hyperion
- 4- 167 Erwan Tymen Pikes
- 5- 273 Stéphane Ayrault Goudurix 2

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