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Barcelona World Race

JP.Dick : "The mainsail track came away for 2.5 m"

Virbac-Paprec 3 to make technical repair stop in Brasil

jeudi 13 janvier 2011Redaction SSS [Source RP]

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Barcelona World Race Barcelona World Race #barcelonaworldrace leaders Jean-Pierre Dick and Loïck Peyron are preparing to make a technical stop in Brasil to make a repair to their main sheet track on Virbac-Paprec 3.

A length of around 2.50 metres of the track is reported to have been lifted away from the deck.

Virbac-Paprec 3 is sailing presently off the coast of Brasil in SE’ly winds of 15 knots under full main and Solent headsail.

The duo lead the race by approximately 50 miles from Foncia, Michel Desjoyeaux and Francois Gabart, who are also preparing for a stop in or near Récife, arriving between Friday night and Saturday.

Dick and co-skipper Loïck Peyron have made the decision to head for Récife, Brasil which is 434 miles to their SW, to repair this vital control. The duo are expecting to arrive in the Brasilian port in around 48 hours (Saturday) where their technical team will be waiting for them.

Jean-Pierre Dick (FRA), winner of the first edition of the Barcelona World Race Barcelona World Race #barcelonaworldrace contacted by phone said :

“I was outside when it happened. Loïck was sleeping. The mainsail track came away for 2.5 m. We can’t really trim the mainsail. It happened in the conditions which were bizarrely benign. There was a little choppy, 14-15 knots, nothing exceptional. It was an otherwise nondescript afternoon. There was not even great pressure on the track, we were under full mainsail and Solent. I don’t really know exactly what happened. We will head for Récife to repair it. It is better to have it happen, than in the South !”

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