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Bertrand Quentin lifted off by helicopter at 1140hrs

Le directeur de course a fait récupérer le skipper épuisé

Tuesday 2 November 2010Christophe Guigueno

All the versions of this article: [English] [français]

Côte d’Or 2’ skipper has been lifted this morning (french hour). Race director Jean Maurel took the decision to ask Bernard Quentin to activate his distress beacon due to his bad healthy condition.


“This Tuesday morning at 0830hrs (CET) the technical team of Cote d’Or II contacted me with concerns about the health of Bertrand Quentin, who was displaying extreme tiredness, nausea and chest pains. After consultation with Dr Jean-Yves Chauve, the race doctor, we made the decision to ask the skipper Bernard Quentin to activate his distress beacon.”

“I contacted the MRCC Griz Nez, the authority to coordinate all rescues in this race, to inform them of the problem on board Cote d’Or II and of the activation of the distress beacon.” “At the same time Dr. Chauve, contacted the CCMM (Marine Marine Marine nationale Medical Consultation Centre) at Toulouse, the specialist medical centre for ships at sea, sending the medical file of Bernard Quentin to have a second diagnosis.” “The CCMM having confirmed Dr Chauve’s diagnosis, I then asked MRCC Madrid, to the start the evacuation of the skipper as soon as possible.”

“At 1020hrs the helicopter took off to go to the latest known position. Arriving on zone, because of the bad conditions along with Rene Boulaire we refined the position of Cote d’Or II, and requested Bernard Quentin to transmit on Channel 16 to facilitate the location of the trimaran.” “Bernard was lifted off by helicopter at 1140hrs (CET/France). He is currently in hospital in Burela, Spain and we await further updates.”

Côte d’Or is a wel know trimaran. She was born as Paul Ricard and was the first sailboat to break the North Atlantic Record Record #sailingrecord with Eric Tabarly. Completely refited, she became Côte d’Or 2, a 22 meters long foiler, in the early 80s. But she never had good fortune. She capsized with Tabarly Brothers and spend lots of time ashore. Bertrand Quentin was the last one of a long list to try to make her sail again.


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