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Yves Le Blévec’s new trimaran first sails

50’ multihull "Actual" set sails in the bay of Quiberon (Brittany)

jeudi 3 septembre 2009Christophe Guigueno

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Here are the first images, from Thierry Martinez, of the new 50’ trimaran. She was sailing for the first time in the bay of Quiberon and is preparing her first competition in november, the two-handed Transat Jacques Vabre Transat Jacques Vabre #TJV2015 . her skipper is Yves Le Blevec, winer of the previous edition of the Transat The Transat #thetransat #ostar 650. His co-skipper will be Jean Le Cam. Together, thy will compete in the Multi 50 division in front of the two other new trimarans : Crêpes Whaou ! steered by Franck-Yves Escoffier and Prince de Bretagne helmed by Hervé Cléris.

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Voir en ligne : Photos Thierry Martinez /

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