At 0838 GMT this morning illbruck rounded Cape Horn at the southern tip of Argentina. Paul Cayard wrote from Amer Sports One that he believed illbruck would get around the tip with favourable current, which might not be the case for the rest of the fleet due to go round in the next few hours, "It looks to me like illbruck is perfectly positioned to make a big gain down here. Their 60 mile lead will get them into the Estrecha de la Mer, if they chose to, with about 16-18 knots wind and just before the maximum northerly flow. We will arrive 5-6 hours later, with 5-7 knots in the Estrecha and a foul current." This could give illbruck a big gain on the rest of the fleet as the current in the Estrecha can run up to 5 knots on a spring tide.
Amer Sports One should be the second boat to go round the Horn at around lunchtime, followed by News Corp and Tyco who are in a close battle for third place and likely to be very close together. ASSA ABLOY should make it mid afternoon, and djuice during the middle of the evening. Amer Sports Too is now less than 600 miles away from Cape Horn and therefore should go round in the next couple of days.
Volvo Ocean Race Position Report, Day 15, 0959 GMT
PS Yacht Latitude Longitude DTF CMG SMG TFHR DTL DTL-C ETA PO
– 1 ILBK 55 54.44S 066 50.72W 02240 057 14.0 383 0 0 18 FEB 02 29
– 2 AONE 56 05.72S 068 42.84W 02302 062 13.5 353 62 +4 18 FEB 02 25
– 3 TYCO 56 44.04S 068 37.96W 02317 061 14.3 356 77 -1 18 FEB 02 18
– 4 NEWS 56 08.72S 069 14.68W 02320 063 13.6 359 80 +3 18 FEB 02 21
– 5 AART 56 35.24S 069 25.44W 02333 065 15.2 356 93 -11 18 FEB 02 19
– 6 DJCE 56 22.56S 070 55.52W 02377 071 14.7 341 137 -5 18 FEB 02 13
– 7 ATOO 56 32.36S 084 45.92W 02835 079 15.3 331 595 -4 20 FEB 02 7
– 8 TSEB 56 15.04S 092 51.44W 03104 114 08.4 171 864 +34 28 FEB 02 12
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